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Grant Cycle Guidelines and Procedure

The Colonial Beach Community Foundation considers and evaluates grant applications twice per year. Award amounts and frequency are based on funds available and whether or not the application meets the award requirements.

Applications are evaluated by the grants committee based on the following criteria:


The grant must support the Foundation's Mission, Goals, and Strategic Objectives.

  • Youth Development and Education

  • Environmental Protection and Beautification

  • Health and Well-Being

  • Quality of Life and Cultural Enhancement

  • Community Strength for success


Eligibile Applicants must be:

  1. A qualified 501(c)(3) organization or formally affiliated with a Fiscal Sponsor.

  2. A public entity located within the 22443 zip code.


Organizations may submit more than one grant application for the same grant cycle, however, only one of the proposals may be funded during that cycle.


Grants are not intended to fund:

  1. Existing programs on a continuing basis

  2. General operational expenses

  3. Staffing support



  1. Satisfactorily complete the appropriate grant application form(1)

  2. Grants will be considered during the regular grant cycle.


(1)  See multi-year funding or support.


Grant Cycle Guidelines

The Board of Directors will consider priorities and issue grant availability by December 1 each year.  The Foundation will consider and award grants during two grant cycles per calender year.

Colonial Beach Community Foundation
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Colonial Beach Community Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit all-volunteer organization. All donations are tax deductible. EIN: 75-3182454.

PO Box 375, Colonial Beach, VA 22443

Copyright© 2025 Colonial Beach Community Foundation.  All Rights Reserved.

Site Design Petite Taway

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