
We use this website, our Facebook page, monthly newsletters, and occasional emails to keep you informed. You can find our press releases on this page. So, check back often and sign up to receive our newsletter.

2024 Press Releases

Colonial Beach Community Foundation Continues Tradition of Sending Local Kids to Camp

For many years, the Foundation has ensured that any Colonial Beach child who wants to go to 4-H Camp has the opportunity to do so. Several grants and financial assistance programs are available to families so their kids can attend 4-H Camp; the Foundation covers the difference. This year, the Foundation provided about $1,500 in financial support to cover the difference for 5 Colonial Beach campers. The cost for each child is $317, which includes transportation to and from the camp located in Jamestown. Each child also receives a small amount of spending money for the camp store. Helping kids go to 4-H Camp, where they have enrichment and learning opportunities that they might not otherwise have, is a direct fit with the Foundation's Youth Development Strategic Objective.

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Colonial Beach Community Foundation Announces Scholarship Recipients

The Foundation is pleased to award $1,000 scholarships to two Colonial Beach High School seniors -- Vanessa Alicea and Ariana Druce -- who will receive $500 this Fall and $500 next Spring. Vanessa plans to study business and economics at Randolph College in Lynchburg. Arianna will attend George Mason University; she is interested in environmental science and sustainability, as well as business.

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Our Newsletter & Occasional Email

We distribute a newsletter via email, typically on or before the third Thursday of the month. We also post it on our Facebook page. In the newsletter, we will catch you up on what we have been doing and provide information on our upcoming activities and events. We also might take the opportunity to tell you a little bit about the Foundation itself, or one of our community partner organizations or volunteers. We occasionally send out an email if we have something to tell you that is time sensitive, special enough to stand out by itself, or to correct an error. We encourage you to sign up for our newsletter and emails, and promise not inundate your inbox.